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The conference “Building Research Capacity at FEdu: An Overview of Research Papers within the KUSA Project” and the concluding roundtable discussion of the project were successfully held at the Faculty of Education

On December 27, 2024, the Faculty of Education at the University of “Isa Boletini” Mitrovica successfully organized the scientific conference titled “Building Research Capacity at FEdu: An Overview of Research Papers within the KUSA Project,” supported by the U.S. Embassy in Pristina and the Kosovo United States Alumni (KUSA). This event was part of the 2023/2024 University Support Grant and the project titled “Empowering Data Analysis and Innovation at the Advanced Academic Research Center” (USGP23/24).

During the conference, several research papers were presented by faculty members, students, and alumni of the Faculty of Education who participated in the “Advanced Research Methodology” training. These presentations provided a comprehensive overview of current topics and challenges in the field of education. The research covered various areas, including school management styles, student academic performance, school climate, classroom management, and the impact of teachers’ emotional intelligence.

A roundtable discussion was also organized to present the final results of the KUSA project. This activity marked the conclusion of a series of events carried out throughout the project’s implementation, including training/workshops and research activities. The roundtable, led by Ass. Arbesa Uka, Ass. Hatixhe Gashi, and Ass. Gentiana Imeraj, presented the results and achievements of the project, including the successes and challenges faced during the implementation period. Ultimately, the activities conducted within this project have opened new opportunities for research development and knowledge advancement in this field, providing opportunities for collaboration and professional growth for the staff, students, and alumni community of FEdu.

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