The symposium Pedagogical practice in teacher training programs: Challenges and Perspectives within the QATEK project was held
In the premises of the Faculty of Education, a symposium was held on pedagogical practice as a very important component in the preparation of primary education teachers. Academic staff from the faculties of Education of the University of Pristina, the University of Gjakova, the University of Gjilan and the University of Prizren participated in this symposium. On behalf of the coordinator of the QATEK project from the Faculty of Education of the University of Pristina Hasan Prishtina, the symposium was greeted by prof. Fjolla Kacaniku.
The symposium facilitated by Prof. Albana Sadiku, was characterized by a fruitful discussions focused on the contents of the syllabi of subjects that contain pedagogical practice, on the changes that are taking place in these contents, on the ways of organizing and implementing pedagogical practice, on the challenges that students and mentor teachers of schools primary schools are encountering during the pedagogical practice period, the documents that accompany the efficient implementation of this practice-PT manual as well as the proposals and recommendations for possible improvements. The review of the practical teaching manual with constructive suggestions and the creation of a body with members from all the faculties of Education in the local Universities were the proposals for other steps, which will be further discussed in the next meeting on this topic.
Participating colleagues also visited the premises, laboratories, classrooms, staff offices as well as the external premises of the University “Isa Boletini” in Mitrovica.
This symposium is the first in the series of symposiums that will be organized by Faculties of Education in the local Universities as partners of the ERASMUS+ QATEK – Quality Oriented Teacher Education in Kosovo project. The next symposium will take place at the Faculty of Education of University ‘Kadri Zeka’ in Gjilan, in April 2023.