
At UIBM, Pink October ends with an information table

Pink October – is breast cancer awareness month.
Breast cancer does not choose & Early diagnosis saves lives!
It is called ‘Pink October’ as people around the world display a pink ribbon to raise awareness of breast health and the importance of screening for early diagnosis of breast cancer, now the most diagnosed cancer worldwide.
In order to sensitize and educate women and girls about the importance of early detection of breast cancer, an information table was organized in the large amphitheater at “Isa Boletini” University in Mitrovica.
At this table, the guest Dr. Saudin Maliqi, Thoracic Surgeon, provided relevant information and specific recommendations. While Mrs. Selime Rexha Shkreta, educator, shared her life experience, challenges and the continuous support she received during this period of overcoming this health challenge.