Central Commission for Quality Assurance and Evaluation (CCQAE) is the main body in UIBM which deals with the quality assurance process. This commission is an advisory body to the UIBM Senate on quality issues. CCQAE members are approved by the UIBM Senate for a 4-year term. After the end of this term, at least 1/3 of the members of the CCQAE are expected to continue to be part of it in order to ensure continuity in the work of the Commission.


The CCQAE has the duty to:

    1. review the regulation on quality assurance and evaluation;
    2. review the quality assurance guidelines;
    3. review the package of evaluation instruments according to the proposals of the academic units;
    4. review the document of performance indicators;
    5. review the reports of the package of evaluation instruments;
    6. review the self-assessment reports for institutional and program accreditation;
    7. review improvement plans from institutional reaccreditation and programs in relation to the level of addressing the issues raised by KAA;
    8. draft and review the regulation on the preparation procedures for institutional and study programs re/accreditation at UIBM.


Members of Commission:

  • Prof.dr. Sabri Avdullahi, Vice Rector 
  • Msc. Natyra Misini, QAO
  • Prof.asoc.dr. Muhamedin Hetemi, Member
  • Prof.ass.dr. Mirsade Osmani, Member
  • Prof.ass.dr. Besnik Murati, Member
  • Prof.ass.dr. Fatmir Azemi, Member
  • Ass. Bese Sadikaj, PhD C. Member
  • Ass. Leonora Çarkaj, Dr.sc. Member
  • Student