QA-SURE Workshop: Sharing the results on the situation on the quality assurance in HEI

On March 26, 2024, within the premises of University “Isa Boletini” in Mitrovica, a significant workshop convened to share the outcomes concerning the state of quality assurance. Attending this pivotal event were esteemed figures including the Rector of International Business College Mitrovica (IBC-M), deans representing various faculties of Isa Boletini University, students from diverse programs, academic personnel, as well as partners from Kosovo’s higher education institutions and members of faculty advisory boards.

Insights garnered from the varied perspectives, experiences, and feedback of the university community, as gathered through structured surveys assessing the current state of quality assurance practices within the institutions of the consortium, particularly focusing on UIBM and IBC-M, catalyzed engaging discussions among the participants on several noteworthy topics.  Matters such as strengthening partnerships with industry, internalizing quality assurance processes pertaining to teaching, learning, research, and support services were extensively deliberated by both academic staff and attending partners and students. Additionally, the notion of utilizing evidence to guide improvement activities emerged as a prominent recommendation for future endeavors.

QA\SURE project is aimed at enhancing the quality assurance practices within the academic sector, by bringing together multiple universities from different countries to collaborate and share their knowledge and expertise on the subject.