Cooperation agreement with the Kosovo Association of the Deaf

University “Isa Boletini” in Mitrovica (UIBM) will cooperate with the Kosovo Association of the Deaf (SKSH) in order to develop activities of common educational and cultural interest. In order to specify areas of mutual interest, a Cooperation Agreement was signed between these two institutions by the rector, prof.dr. Alush Musaj and the representative of SHKSH, Nebih Cakaj.

Cooperation will be supported on the basis of democratic principles and in accordance with the autonomy and freedom of activity of both parties. The parties undertake to consider common needs during their cooperation, in order to benefit from the development of activities of common educational and cultural interest.

As for the areas of cooperation, various points have been defined such as: advocacy for deaf people who use sign language, cooperation in the creation and organization of services for deaf students, promotion, development and maintenance of educational programs and services supports that match the specific requirements and needs of deaf adult students. Also, the parties will cooperate in the development of research and studies in all fields of deafness as well as the promotion of recognition and acceptance of communication methods preferred by deaf people.