Tryeza 3

Former students recount their journey on UIBM’s 8th anniversary

At a table organized by the Student Parliament on the occasion of the 8th anniversary of the establishment of the  University “Isa Boletini”- Mitrovica (UIBM), former students told about their journey during and after their studies. They talked about the achievements and challenges they had during this period of time.

Former students: Gresa Jashari, Enisa Bashota, Ensar Suma and Altina Kamberi, have highlighted the fact that studies at UIBM have helped you immensely to be offered on the job market. According to them, the practical work they have done during their studies has been very important for them in terms of employment.

The President of the Student Parliament, Edona Haxhimehmeti, said that at UIBM there is an extremely good spirit between the management and the students. According to her, students are represented in all decision-making mechanisms at UIBM and this has definitely created a very good climate of cooperation.

Whereas, the rector, prof. dr. Alush Musaj said that the students have been persistent all along and this has had a positive effect. “It has been 8 years since the establishment of UIBM and we are already seeing big changes. We are located in the best campus in the region, with extremely modern conditions. The success of the students undoubtedly makes us a story of success as an institution,” he said.