Decision for approving the Strategic Plan of UIBM for the period 2022-202503.11.20222732PDF
Decision for the Support of the Academic Staff for Professional Advancement2020-03-04380PDF
The nomination of the commission for reviewing complaints in the process of allocating scholarships for students for the academic year 2021/20222022-11-032733PDF
The nomination of the commission for the allocation of scholarships for students for the academic year 2021/20222022-11-032734PDF
The announcement of the competition for the awarding of university scholarships for students of basic studies (bachelor) and students of master studies, for the academic year 2021/20222022-11-032702PDF
Decision on the nomination of the Working Group for drafting the Strategic Plan of UIBM 2022-20252021-11-232249PDF
Decision on the allocation of scholarships for the academic year 2020/20212020-11-19PDF
Decision on approval of the Strategic Plan 2022-20252022-11-032732PDF
The election of the rector2019-06-211265/005PDF
Decision - The Center for Professional Development and Education2022-01-24175PDF
Decision to expand the recreational area2019-11-012122PDF
Decision on the establishment the Professional Committee for the Review of the Strategic Plan 2018-2021PDF
Governing Board Decision on announcing student election2019-03-28PDF
Professional Committee for drafting the University Strategic Plan 2017-2020PDF