The sixth year saw no remarks from the auditor for UIBM
For the sixth year in a row, there are no findings and recommendations from the auditor for “Isa Boletini” University in Mitrovica (UIBM). This has been confirmed by the report of the National Audit Office for the annual financial statements (2022) for the Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation (MASHTI), namely for the sub-programs that operate within this ministry, of which UIBM is also a part.
Rector, prof. dr. Alush Musaj said that a tradition of good management has already been created in this institution. “On this occasion, I want to congratulate the Directorate for Budget and Finance and all the workers of the administration for their professional work”, he said. The news was also welcomed by the general secretary at UIBM, Avdyl Beqiri, who appreciated the professionalism and dedication of the administrative staff.
Meanwhile, the director for Budget and Finance, Besim Kurti, said that this time too the auditor has no findings and recommendations for UMIB. According to him, the audit process at UIBM was carried out in accordance with the International Standards of Supreme Auditing Institutions (SNISA).
He explained that according to these standards, the required documentation was presented and checked, giving the possibility of consultations of the responsible persons covering the areas that were the object of the control. “The requested files were sufficient for the auditor general to give a professional opinion regarding financial management,” he said.
Kurti announced that the objects of the control were: planning, management, expenses, source of income and financial control of activities carried out in all economic categories.