Institution Name UIBM
Faculty/Department Geosciences/ Geology
Name of study program Mineral Deposits
Qualification level according to KQF VII
Name of degree or academic degree Master of Mineral Deposits
ECTS 120
The minimum duration of the program 2
Number of students per year 10
Accredited program up to 2025



Semester I Hours / weeks
Code stat ute Content L E ECT S Professor
401. IIa O Methodology of scientific and research work 2 2 6 Ahmet Tmava
402. IIa O

Geology of Hydrothermal


2 2 6 Sylejman Hyseni,
403. IIa O Metallogeny 3 2 7 Afrim Koliqi,
404. IIa O Isotopes in Geology 2 2 6 Bedri Durmishaj
405. IIa Z Software in Geology 2 2 5 Naser Peci
406. IIa Z Geology of petroleum deposits 2 2 5 Naser Peci
407. IIa Z Getechnic 2 2 5 Zenun Elezaj
408. IIa Z Geotectonic Z 2 5 Gani Maliqi
Semester II Hours/ weeks
409. IIa O Genesis of metallic deposits 2 3 7 Sylejman Hyseni
410. IIa O Genesis of non-metallic deposits 3 2 7 Sylejman Hyseni
411. IIa O Project management 2 2 6 Gani Maliqi
412. IIa Z Coal Geology 2 2 5 Naser Peci
413. IIa Z Petrogensis 2 2 5 Islam Fejza
414. IIa Z Technical Petrography 2 2 5 Flurije Sheremeti
415. IIa Z Environmental Geochemistry 2 2 5 Behxhet Shala
416.IIa Z Optical of ore minerals 2 2 5 Bedri Durmishaj
Semester III
417 IIa O Economic geology 3 2 7 Bedri Durmishaj
418.IIa O Exploration of mineral deposits 2 3 7 Ahmet Tmava
419.IIa O Applied geostatistics 2 2 6 Naser Peci
420.IIa Z Mineral resource management and environment 2 2 5 Sylejman Hyseni
421.IIa Z Industrial Mineralogy 2 2 5 Bedri Durmishaj
422.IIa Z Environment Protection 2 2 5 Behxhet Shala
423. IIa Z Hydrogeology of mineral deposits 2 2 5 Sabri Avdullahi
424.IIa Z Mining legislation and safety in mines 2 2 5 Festim Kutllovci
Semester IV
425.IIa O Practical in the field 10
O Master thesis 20