Fulbright Scholar (Doctoral/PhD) Program in the United States (NON-DEGREE)

The Fulbright Program is the flagship international educational exchange program sponsored by the U.S. Government,…

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U.S. Embassy In Pristina Exchange Program Opportunity- Call For Application

U.S. Embassy in Pristina exchange program opportunity- Call for application

Fulbright Foreign Student Program (Master’s Degree) | U.S. Embassy in Kosovo The Fulbright Foreign Student…

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Ambasada E Francës Në Kosovë, Agjencioni Universitar I Frankofonisë, Prezanton  Programe Studimore

Ambasada e Francës në Kosovë, Agjencioni Universitar i Frankofonisë, prezanton  programe studimore

Nëse jeni student i vitit të parë të nivelit master në Kosovë (240 kredi) dhe…

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Thirrje Ndërkombëtare Për Projekte COVID-19 Nga Agjensioni I Universiteteve Frankofone (AUF)

Thirrje ndërkombëtare për projekte COVID-19 nga Agjensioni i Universiteteve Frankofone (AUF)

Si pjesë e planit të tij të veçantë të veprimit COVID-19, AUF po fillon një…

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GO STYRIA RESEARCH GRANT At The University Of Graz 2020/21 – Call Open Now!

GO STYRIA RESEARCH GRANT at the University of Graz 2020/21 – call open now!

Go Styria is a scholarship program for master and doctoral students as well as Post…

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Një Ekip I Erasmus+ Realizoi Një Vizitë Monitoruese Në UMIB

Një ekip i Erasmus+ realizoi një vizitë monitoruese në UMIB

Një ekip i programit Erasmus+ në Kosovë, i udhëhequr nga koordinatorja, Jehona Lushaku, ka realizuar…

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Advisory monitoring visit to the Erasmus+ Project – Innovative Teaching Education in Mathematics

In the context of continuous monitoring of the Erasmus+ programme the Education, Audiovisual and Culture…

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University Of Camerino Scholarship Program

University of Camerino Scholarship Program

On behalf of the bilateral cooperation between the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology of…

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Bursa nga Qeveria e Brunei Derussalam

Ministria e Punëve të Jashtme e Bruneit fton aplikime për skemën e bursave nga Qeveria…

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The International Visegrad Fund Is Now Offering Master’s And Post-Master’s Scholarships

The International Visegrad Fund is now offering Master’s and Post-Master’s scholarships

The International Visegrad Fund is now offering Master’s and Post-Master’s scholarships to study at universities…

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Call For Candidates – Professional Internship Mobility

Call for candidates – Professional internship mobility

Students enrolled in a member establishment of the Agence universitaire de la Francophonie in Central…

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Njoftim: Thirrje për aplikim

Thirrje për aplikim nga Youth for Kosovo për programin: Të mbështesim të rinjtë në zhvillimin…

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